Saturday, September 29, 2007

Moving Along

Things are really starting to come together at the new studio. While we aren't going to make it by my overzealous move-in date of October 1st, I am hoping now to be in sometime in the 8-13th range.

While I haven't taken my camara the last couple times I've been up there working, I thought I'd go ahead and post a progress report and then post some pictures tomorrow evening.

On Friday, Ron Diel hung all of the molding along the ceilings (which look FANTASTIC!!!) Thanks Ron!

Friday, Cliff Kincaid made a return trip up to visit us, to run 3 new outlets and reroute a light and add a light switch, and install a thermostat. Thanks Cliff!

My dad spent the better portion of today hanging doors. 2 interior doors and an exterior door. Thanks Dad!

Rick's been busy laying the flooring and is already almost half done with the entire building. :)

I have to say, it looks SO GREAT! I wasn't sure that I'd like the flooring since it wasn't the same thing as we had laid in our house, but I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised.

Our sign should be installed somewhere around the 1st and our parking lot is scheduled to be grated in the next couple days.

The reception desk will hopefully be starting being assembled on Monday. Some of RJ and Heidi's furniture is already assembled and in their room, and the rest will be arriving Monday.

I have started my "samples" list, trying to decide what prints to hang on the walls, which is actually ALOT harder than one might think.

I'll post pictures to go along with the updates tomorrow.
