Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hola, Me Llamo Rodney

My friend Amanda and her boyfriend Devin took a week long trip to Mexico. Rodney begged and begged and we finally gave in and said he could go.....

He came back with all kinds of cool pictures and his very own sombrero!

Thanks Amanda & Devin!


Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

A big shout out to my brother Jeremy who is serving his 12th year in the US NAVY.

Stay safe Uncle Jer, We love you and miss you!




My sister's family bought a Wii during the holidays.....

Rick and I have been over once to battle it out on Guitar Hero. I was obsessed and it ended with my kids crying because they wanted to go home....nice huh?

Well, Memorial Day weekend was spent with Rick's side of the family. His brother had just acquired a Wii, and plugged it in. Well, me being Miss Addictive Personality just HAD to play.

I did the fitness test, Boxing, Tennis, Bowling, Baseball

That Wii kicked my ass! I am so incredibly sore that I am limping around today. Which of course is pathetic!

After a long conversation with Rick about money management.....blah, blah, blah.

I am the proud new owner of my very own Wii!

Hooray! It will be here towards the end of the week. If anyone wants to battle it out at Guitar Hero, let me know!



Friday, May 23, 2008

The Graduate

RJ has officially graduated preschool. I did really well and didn't even cry til I was at the studio looking at his pictures.....

I can't believe how big he is...I'm proud and sad all at the same time.

I am proud that he's such a strong young man, and a joy to be around. I'm proud at how well I know he'll do in school next year. I'm proud of all the things he will acomplish.

I'm sad that he's not my baby anymore. I'm sad that he'll soon stop wanting me to tuck him into bed, and lay down with him. I'm said that along with growing up comes independence from me. I'm sad that the last 5 1/2 years have gone so fast.

He had a fantastic graduation with MeeMee, Pawpaw, Aunt B, Hannah, Eli, and Grandma, and Grandpa all attending.

RJ was the flag holder, and also recited Three Blind Mice. He got all kinds of cool gifts and then best of all, he also got his diploma.

Congratulations RJ! I am so proud of you!


Tractor Rides

Barb and Jim Miller are Heidi's godparents. They are just wonderful people, I can't say enough good things about them.....

Jim gave them both their first tractor ride this week. RJ can't wait to go again, and Heidi swears she drove the tractor all by herself and Jim just rode along.



RJ meet JR

Okay, I just thought this was funny......



Elmo Live

On Wednesday, we had the pleasure of seeing Elmo Live with our good friends Sarah and Jack Kinkade.....

We had such a nice time and the kids loved spending the day with Jack. After the show, we spent time shopping and then had a nice dinner out.

I am looking forward to our next trip together, which I believe will be the zoo sometime in June.......



Weekly Weigh In

As of this past wednesday 2 more pounds gone forever....bringing my total to 37 total pounds lost.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rest in Peace

Rest in Peace Gage Aaron......

My cousin Alison and her husband Heath had their baby on Friday the 16th. Unfortunately, due to circumstances out of their control, God took Gage home to be with him a few hours later.

If you pray, please add Alison and Heath to your prayers. The funeral was today.


Monday, May 19, 2008

Kites and the Fairlane

We own a 1967 Ford Fairlane. By we, I mean Rick.

Rick's pride and joy which, unless you went to highschool with Rick, you've probably never seen because he can't drive it when it's too cold, or too hot, or if there are too many bugs, or if it's too humid, or if there's rain in the forecast, or if the wind might come from the NE at 6 mph, etc, etc. :) you get the idea. The weather has to be perfect.

Rick loves that car more than anything. There is actually a not so funny story about it breaking down years and years ago when we were dating, and I had to push it while he steered because he didn't trust me to steer. Ask me about it sometime. I was 15, he was 19.

You can imagine my surprise on Saturday, when he broke the Fairlane out and we were able to spend 2 days cruising around before it got put back away.

The kids love riding in it.

We were also able to get some kite flying in this weekend.

All in All, a VERY good weekend to start a VERY hectic week coming up.
