Last week we finally got around to carving our pumpkins that we got at the pumpkin patch in Arthur.
The kids were so excited, they don't remember ever having carved pumpkins before. I think the last time we did it, Heidi was a baby.RJ relaxing by his pumpkin wearing his super cool pirate boots
Heidi looking cool in her socks and sandals. :)
RJ starting to gut his pumpkin.
Heidi starting to gut hers
Look at the look of disgust on their faces. :) They didn't make it very far. I ended up gutting all 4 pumpkins while they watched.
Rick and RJ planning out what his pumpkin was going to look like. RJ wanted a scary face!
RJ starting to carve his
Kaitlin and Heidi were planning her pumpkin while I was still busy digging the disgusting insides out of all of the other pumpkins.
Heidi even drew a face on a little pumpkin for Rodney
They look fantastic lit up. My porch is not presentable, (surprise!), so no picture of them sitting on the porch....but if you drive by at night you can see them lit up. just pay no attention to the yard toys, bikes, and shoes you might see when you look.
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